Kids World's Adventures of The Jungle Book II is an upcoming sequel to 20th Universal Goodtimes Century Paramount's Kids World's Adventures of The Jungle Book. It will appear on YouTube.
Ryan, Pooh, Ash Littlefoot, Stan, Scooby-Doo, Taran, Jesse, Mikey, and the rest of the characters have returned to the Jungles of India to reunite with Baloo, Bagheera [ for tigers lions elephants gorillas rhinos and anteaters ] and Mowgli [ for horses cows sheep pigs dogs and humans ] and have another showdown with Shere Kahn, Oogie Boogie, and Pete (with Carface, Killer, Lord Rothbart, and Team Rocket (Cassidy and Butch) this time).
- Rex, Woog, Elsa, Dweeb, Jean-Bob, Speed, Puffin, Jack Skellington, Oogie Boogie, Pete,Carface, Killer, Lord Rothbart, and Team Rocket (Cassidy and Butch) guest star in this film.